Youth Ministry

The youth group is designed for teenagers who want to delve deeper into their faith and develop a personal relationship with God. It provides opportunities for worship, prayer, Bible study, and community service. The youth group typically meets once or twice a week and offers outreach programs that allow teenagers to share their faith with others. It’s a nurturing environment where teenagers can thrive in their walk with God.
Our Future is Present
Our youth aren’t just the future church, they are part of the church right now. We are so proud of their accomplishments and contributions to our congregation’s life.
Youth ministry is vital in our church, offering young people a chance to grow in faith and connect with others. During Lent, Shrove Tuesday events teach about fasting. Outings focus on service and leadership. Confirmations are key to spiritual growth, marking a commitment to the church. Youth ministry shapes young people into strong, faithful leaders in their communities.

shrove tuesday
Shrove Tuesday, also called Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, is the day before we begin the season of Lent and the fasting associated with it. Our Youth Group cooks the traditional Shrove Tuesday dinner of pancakes and sausages, a lot of fun and a great fund raiser, too!

Part of growing up is accepting mature responsibility for ones’ own faith. Conformation classes guide students through an examination of their faith and what it means to them. The six-months of classes culminate in Confirmation by the Bishop as students take responsibility for the promises made by their parents and others at their baptism.

Our students love to get out and about, as most teens do. Some of their activities include visits to other churches, going bowling, skating at Branch Brook Park, pizza parties and visits to arcades.

praise dancers
Praise the Lord! Our youth are talented and dedicated Christians and they give expression to their faith in many different ways. Joining with our children and adults, our young people are proud to express their faith in the enthusiasm and energy of our liturgical praise dancers. The troupe performs several times throughout the year during our worship service and other events and has been in growing demand to share their ministry with other congregations both in our Diocese and with churches of other denominations.