Thursdays in Lent
Stations of the Cross at 6:30 PM Bread and Soup Supper at 7:00 PM

On five Thursdays in Lent we will gather at 6:30 PM to walk the Stations of the Cross in the church. We will then enjoy a simple meal of soup and bread in the conference room at 7 PM, followed by a Bible Study (see below) from 7:30 to 8:30. Come for the full program or for any part that fits your schedule. We begin Thursday, March 7 and continue through Thursday, April 4.
Exploring the Gospel of Luke at 7:30 PM |

This five-week study will explore selected topics in the Gospel according to St. Luke. It will not be a sequential reading of the entire gospel but rather will focus on several key elements of the gospel. While it is not required for participants to read specific passages in advance of each class session, participants are encouraged to take some time to read the entire Gospel of Luke to gain an understanding of and appreciation for the material.
Week 1 March 7 An overview of the Gospel of Luke
This session will provide some background to the gospel, its overall construction and flow.
Week 2 March 14 The Infancy Narrative in Luke’s Gospel
Luke is one of only two of the four gospels (Matthew being the other) that provides the material that makes up all that we know – or think we know – about the birth of Jesus. This session will explore the elements of the Infancy Narrative in Luke with some commentary and comparison to Matthew and the other two gospels (Mark and John).
Week 3 March 21 Holy Spirit and the Spirit in Luke’s Gospel
Luke refers to the Spirit and the Holy Spirit throughout his gospel. This session will examine how Luke seems to understand the role of the Holy Spirit/Spirit and how that Spirit is involved in the life of Jesus.
Week 4 March 28 Luke and Mark: Repetitions, Adaptations, Additions and Omissions
Scholars generally agree that the gospels of Matthew and Luke used the Gospel of Mark as their core material. This session will explore the ways in which some of Mark’s material is used in Luke’s gospel, whether by outright repetition, adaptation, addition or omission.
Week 5 April 4 Christology in Luke’s Gospel
Christology is about understanding who Jesus the Christ is. This session will examine how Luke’s gospel portrays Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One.