Our Holy Week and Easter Schedule
Holy Week and Easter 2019
Church of the Epiphany and Christ Church
Welcome to the most moving services of the entire year
as we celebrate Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday April 14, 8am & 9:30am
The Liturgy of the Palm, Passion, and Holy Communion.
Holy Wednesday April 17, 7pm
A Christian Seder Meal in the Parish Hall.
Maundy Thursday April 18, 7pm
The Commemoration of the First Holy Eucharist,
With Procession to the Altar of Repose and Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday April 19, 12pm & 7pm
Noon Stations of the Cross and Parishioner Mediations
on the Seven Last Words from the Cross.
Evening Solemn Liturgy, Veneration of the Cross and Communion from the Pre-Sanctified.
Holy Saturday April 20, 7:30pm
The Great Vigil of Easter, with Lighting of the New Fire,
Renewal of Baptismal Vows, and the First Mass of Easter.
Easter Sunday April 21, 8am & 10am
Festive Mass with Special Music and Praise Dancers at 10am,
followed by the Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt.